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Plastic-Free Sudaji

The Green Journey into Sustainability





In a joint venture with OMunity Green (OMG), DoGood is transforming Sudaji (a village in the north of Bali, Indonesia) into a sanctuary free from harmful chemicals and plastic pollution. Recognizing untouched soils as crucial for nurturing unpolluted souls, we've embarked on our 3 pillar approach, focused on Sustainability Enhancement, Youth Empowerment, and Community Collaboration. Advocating business as a force for good, we're helping Sudaji stride towards a symbiotic future where humans and nature coexist harmoniously, ensuring a healthier, holistic existence for all.

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OMunity Green, Sudaji, Bali

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ZANZAN & family, creators of OMunity Green

WelcOMe hOMe my dear friend to OMUnity Green (OMG)

Always remember the letter 'H' - it's the world between EartHHeart.
And H 🕉️ E is the letter 'H' = Empowers with Energy

ZANZAN, founder OMUnity Green

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CleanPlastic-Free Sudaji Project, Dec 2023

In response to the alarming plastic pollution crisis threatening the environment, soils, and health, we initiated this project to combat the issue in Sudaji. Despite a deep concern for their environment, Sudaji's inhabitants lack awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution and the necessary infrastructure to manage waste. We're working to provide appropriate resources and education, aiming to mitigate the issue of plastic waste dumped daily across the village. Our ultimate goal is to empower locals with the knowledge and means to sustain a clean and green Sudaji.


Historically, the community has been ingrained with sustainable practices. They've often used nature's offerings — like banana leaves, teak wood leaves, taro leaves, as well as coconut and palm leaves — to wrap our belongings. However, the advent of plastic has obscured these traditions. We aim to revive these eco-friendly habits, hoping to reduce dependency on plastic and restore balance to the community environment.

Capturing the essence of our ‘CleanPlastic-Free Sudaji’ project, this video highlights our inaugural gathering, attended by ten enthusiastic children from the local primary school, eager to make a difference. Follow their journey as they take the first steps towards creating a cleaner, greener Sudaji - a mission the locals coined: ‘Fuck Plastic, Clean Plastic’.

Sudaji - The Green Journey into Sustainability
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Watch the video: CleanSudaji project

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The challenge in Sudaji is not the unwillingness of the people to recycle, but rather the absence of necessary resources for that purpose. Our solution to this issue involves:


Youth Empowerment speaks to the children of Sudaji. These programs create awareness about the hazards of not recycling plastic and the measures to mitigate it.

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Youth education for a plastic-free Sudaji

Sustainability Enhancements

involves strategic placement of commercial recycling bins across the village, accessible every 100 meters. It ensures convenient waste recycling for every Sudaji resident, fortifying our commitment to environmental efforts.

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DoGood provides commercial bins

Sudaji, a serene haven in Bali, teems with farms, rice paddies, and temples, brought to life by a vibrant river. Its welcoming residents uphold rich ancestral traditions. Sudaji's pride, the Sekumpul waterfall, known as Bali's "Mother of all waterfalls," features a magnificent seven-level cascade. Conveniently located 3.5 hours north of Denpasar's airport and near Lovina Beach, Sudaji exemplifies sustainable living with a beautiful blend of cultural and environmental preservation.

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Sudaji hills, fruit and rice fields

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Sudaji River


Sudaji isn't just a beautiful village, it's a global sustainability beacon with remarkable environmental achievements. The village aims to join the Globally Important Agriculture Heritage System (GIAHS - - the Food & Agriculture Organization) of the United Nations, echoing its sustainable ethos and harmony with nature.


Sudaji was awarded #2 place in the 2022 Eco Village Community Competition across 3,419 villages, enhancing its status as a premium United Nations’ Sustainability Development site.

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ZANZAN & the Ministry of Tourism, Indonesia


DoGood believes that investing in Sudaji's youth is investing in the community's future. We aim to equip them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and infrastructure to protect their environment and promote sustainability. Our support is focused on molding future leaders who can contribute meaningfully to society and ensure a greener, brighter tomorrow.

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The Plastic Gang, children of Sudaji

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